Two books in one! This 355-page book is the bible of cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding and backcountry skiing in Idaho, the Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks. It includes descriptions of hundreds of cross-country ski and snowshoe trails.
Backcountry aficionados will also find it invaluable with beautifully done aerial illustrations detailing snowboard and backcountry ski routes in some of the best terrain in the west. And the book is filled with stories, honoring and retracing the rich traditions of western winter travel.
To top it off, it has been carefully and lovingly designed which is obvious by its pleasing graphics, easy-to-use maps, enticing photography, and overall visual appeal.
"It has a well honed sense of place, a nice appreciation for local folklore and a commitment to sport that is integrated with the environment."
--RAIN Journal of Appropriate Technology
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" Buy it as a guidebook for the trail. Enjoy it as an entertaining history book at night." --Cross-country Skier Magazine
More Information on Winter Tales and Trails
Winter Tales and Trails is a guidebook to cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding and backcountry skiing in Idaho, the Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks. It includes hundreds of cross-country ski and snowshoe trails, details on routes for dozens of backcountry skiing and snowboarding excursions, and loads of stories about the history of skiing and winter travel in the west.
For over 20 years, the author, Ron Watters, has been exploring, writing, and collecting information about winter recreation in this beautiful corner of the west. He knows his topic, and he knows how to strike a balance, including information on easy-going and safe trails for beginners and families as well as challenging areas for experienced backcountry users.
Moreover, he is a wonderful story teller, drawing from his own experiences and from those of long ago. It's a lively, fun and informative book and a must for anyone who loves the western winter.
"You are in for a grand adventure!"
Full Review: "Pick up a copy of Winter Tales and Trails . . . . You'll not only get a complete guide and review of trails, but you will also learn about the rich, colorful history of skiing in the region. Much of Watters' writing is action: you'll catch your breath through the tales of early trailblazers. But the challenges laid by these tales is clear and you will be compelled to see for yourself the ghost towns and scenic vistas . . . . Be sure to get a copy--you are in for a grand adventure!"
--Lisa A. Jackson, Eclectic Book Reviews
"Winter Tales' goes to new heights"
Full Review: "Winter Tales,' goes to new heights, offering basics and some little-known historical insights. Those interested in snowshoes won't feel left out . . . . And to add a more modern element, Watters also includes snowboarding opportunities."
--Bill Loftus, Lewiston Morning Tribune
"The standard by which other winter guide books are judged."
Full Review: "Buy it as a guidebook for the trail. Enjoy it as an entertaining history book at night. It's the standard by which other winter guide books are judged."
--Cross-country Ski Magazine
"Obviously thoroughly researched through firsthand knowledge ... easy to read maps and scenic photos."
--Daryl Gadbow, The Missoulian
"It has a well honed sense of place, a nice appreciation for local folklore centered around the long snowshoe and a commitment to sport that is integrated with the environment."
--RAIN Journal of Appropriate Technology
Sample pages from the book, Winter Tales and Trails:
Sample Pages Showing the Chapter Introduction and Area Map:
Sample Pages Showing Trail Descriptions
Sample Pages: Trail Descriptions and Aerial Ilustration
Sample Showing the "Resources" Section at the End of Chapters
The Book also Tales Includes Several Chapters on the History of Skiing:
Details: 352 pages • 6" x 9" • Paper •
ISBN # 1-877625-05-1 • $19.95
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Winter Tales and Trails is published by:
The Great Rift Press
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