To help you work more efficiently in AnyOrder, we have prepared several short and highly illustrated instructional guides to supplement the help documentation that comes with the program. Although, the help documentation built into the program is still the most detailed and complete, it's often helpful to look at a topic from a different angle. To accomplish that, we've re-organized the material and added lots of illustrations.
Note: that the on-line help system is for all Levels. Not all of the features may be available on your version of the program, but the basic information found in the documentation will apply to all Levels.)
All of the guides below are in Adobe's PDF format and can be viewed from your browser. You are also more than welcome to save a copy of the guides to your hard drive. (To do so, click on one of the links below, and when the PDF file appears, click on "Save a Copy.") Once you save the file, you can view it at any time by double-clicking on it.
Here's a list of the guides:
AnyPO Getting Started Manual PDF File
How to get started using the program: a very short and sweet introduction to AnyPO.
Department Set-up: Started Manual PDF File
The AnyPO Level III program can be configured for departments and a head purchasing office. In this configuration, the head purchasing office receives requisitions (or purchase orders) from one or more departments. The final processing of the requisitions or PO's generally occurs at the head office level. This PDF manual is for the departmental end of things. We've designed this manual so you can make printed copies of it and distribute them to your departments. It's quite short, but it provides the essential information on how to create requisitions (or PO's) and then how to move them to the head office.
Head Purchasing Office Procedures PDF File
As mentioned above, the AnyPO Level III program can be configured for departments and a head purchasing office. This PDF manual provides helpful information on how to receive and process requisitions (or PO's) which have been sent to the head office for final processing..
AnyPO is another carefully crafted software program from: