The AnyBook Family
The AnyBook family consists of seven editions: Levels 1 - 7. Each higher level provides more options and a larger range of features. Work on these programs is the result of years of research and development to help make your life easier and your business sucessful.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7
* In addition to the information below, see also Comprehensive Feature Comparison Charts
OR for a simple and basic explanation of the differences, see AnyBook Levels)
AnyBook Professional Level 1
The Professional Level 1 Edition is a comprehensive invoicing program that is remarkable for its ease of use. You'll find it a refreshing and delightful change in business software.
The Professional Level 1 program generates invoices, handles book returns, produces sales reports, records customer payments, and creates customer mailing lists. It has the ability to apply discounts to books individually or all together. Included among its features are polished and refined pop-ups to find and paste customers, products or customer numbers. You can copy a customer name and address from an email message or a word document and paste the whole works to an invoice. You can also add personal notes to an invoice. The program includes AnyBook's innovative system of marking invoices paid which makes it easy to readily locate unpaid invoices. And it will produce sales and sales tax reports.
You can assign different discounts to different books. An extra identifier can be added to product information printed on invoices. The identifier can be a the ISBN, or part number, or color, size, etc. (if you sell other types of products). Books and products can also be placed in different categories by using prefix in the catalog number. This allows you to obtain inventory information for each category and simplifies product entry on invoices.
It has a payment analysis feature, the ability to calculate shipping weights. You can lock invoices after using them to prevent inadvertent changes. It uses the concept of Open and Closed invoices which helps you keep track of unfilled orders. It has a sophisticated filter feature which allows you to limit the display to selected customers, or to customers who have ordered a certain product, etc. There are dozens of combinations to choose from.
It includes a contact manager, shipping method list, customer database, product database, look-up features, sorting abilities, tracking number support, an alternative product entry screen, and much more.
The Level 1 Program is Freeware. It is absolutely free. No advertisements. No bothersome requests to upgrade. We don't even ask for your email address.
The Professional Level 2 Edition includes all of the invoicing features found in Level 1 plus two huge additions: a billing and inventory engine. Both are so thoroughly designed and so nicely crafted that they are almost complete programs by themselves. But Level 2 includes more than just the billing and inventory engines. Here's a list and more information:
Billing Engine. The Level 2 program includes a comprehensive billing engine which will create billing statements for each of your customers. Statements include a list of all invoice activity along with a notation of which invoices have not been paid. You have the added option of choosing between "Date of Invoice" or "End of Month" billing cycles. Balance due is broken down by age (older than 30, 60 or 90 days). The statements can be viewed on the screen or they can be printed and sent to customers. And billing information can be exported for use with spreadsheet programs and other software.
Inventory Engine. The program will keep track of your inventory and provide data on how many items remain at any given time. Individual product reports can be printed. A summary of all inventory activity can also be printed which is very handy when tax time comes around. Inventory reports also include information on consigned items. This helps you track books placed on consignment, or books warehoused by distributors who do not pay until they are sold.
Advanced Search. Level 2 includes an Advanced Search feature which allows you to search certain fields or select various conditions to narrow down the search. You can find open invoices, notes that you've left for yourself, shipping dates, tracking numbers, PO numbers, etc. A Search and Replace feature is also available when catalog number or other field changes are necessary.
Back Order Processing. The Level 2 program has the ability to find back-ordered books and create new invoices when items are back in stock and ready to ship.
Invoice Graphics. If desired, you can add logos or other graphics to printed invoices and statements.
Deposit and Payment Reports. Among other features, the Level 2 Edition will also create a Deposit and Payment report which can be used to prepare bank deposits.
It's shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
AnyBook Level 3 is easy and simple to use but incredibly powerful under the hood it includes all the features of Level 1 and 2. Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process back orders.
In addition to Level 1 and 2 features, it includes credit card processing, batch printing, ability to attach invoices and statements to email messages, telephony features including two separate phone dialers (a basic and advanced version), invoice to HTML conversion, extensive export and import functions, currency conversation, and extra emailing functions.
This level includes an email export feature which allows you to attach a copy of the invoice to an email message. Attachments can be text, Microsoft Word, or an HTML web document. You can also place the entire invoice into the clipboard and move it into an email or word processing program.
With Level 3's telephony features, you can click on a button on the Main Invoice Screen or within the Customer Contact Manager and your computer will dial the phone number. You can have the phone dialer key-in the individual's extension or menu choice numbers automatically for you. If you need to call FedEx (or another shipper) to pick up a package, the phone dialer will even input your account number.
It includes batch printing routines for invoices and statements. Instead of printing each invoice (or billing statement) individually, you can select from a list and the program will print all selected invoices or statements at once, freeing you to do other things.
The Level 3 program includes comprehensive and versatile import and export functions. The two functions allow you to move information to and from databases, spreadsheets, accounting programs, and word processing programs. One of the nice features of the functions is that you can select which fields you want exported or imported and where the information should be placed. For more information, see: Import and Export.
Other advanced features include a currency conversion function. The conversion dialog box allows you to establish exchange rates for those countries with which you do business. Once the rates are established, you can choose a currency from the list, and the invoice will be converted into the appropriate values of the new currency. When printed, the invoice will also include the appropriate ISO country code of the currency. Moreover, AnyBook will internally remember the original values of the invoice, and when desired you can convert the invoice back to your base currency.
Other integrated email functions include the ability to start your email program and insert the billing name or shipping name into the "to" blank. You can also pick from a series of form letters that you've prepared in advance, and via the clipboard, insert the desired letter in your email message.
The Advanced version also includes credit card processing features. The credit card processing portion of the program can be used if you have a small volume of cards (two to five cards a day) and you have signed up for voice or touch tone processing with your bank. Note that if you don't use voice or touch tone processing or if you have a higher card volume, you'll want to use third party credit card processing software. To do so, AnyBook has a credit card export feature which allows you to export card information to third party software such as PCAuthorize and others. For more information, see Credit Card Processing.
It's shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
AnyBook Professional Level 4
Level 4 takes another big step forward in publishing business software. You'll find features in the Level 4 program that are only available in much more expensive software. Not only is AnyBook less expensive, it's easier to use as well.
Level 4 includes all of the features of Levels 1, 2, and 3. Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process back orders.
It includes credit card processing, batch printing, ability to attach invoices and statements to email messages, telephony features including two separate phone dialers (a basic and advanced version), invoice to HTML conversion, extensive export and import functions, currency conversation, extra emailing functions, and one of the industry's finest's royalty accounting systems.
With the Level 4 Program, you can process on-line shipments at such websites as UPS, USPS, FedEx and others. In order to make this feature adaptable to many different types of shippers and websites, we have have licensed a technology called Internet Macros. Developed by the iOpus Company, Internet Macros is a revolutionary new system of automating processes on the Internet. AnyBook comes with a fully functioning copy of Internet Macros and the Internet Macros Browser.
Using Internet Macros, on-line forms are automatically filled for you. Among other on-line tasks, you can create shipping labels, schedule pick-ups and provide customer notification.
The Level 4 program integrates with UPS WorldShip. Using a built-in export profile, you can move a shipment data directly to WorldShip. The program also comes with a standard Bill of Lading Form which can be auto-filled with data from the invoice screen. A new feature in Advanced Export allows to auto-fill other business forms that you might need in your business.
The Level 4 program comes with an innovative early warning system which signals you when inventory levels fall low. The product pop-up list now has an "Inventory" button which provides inventory information.
It has the ability to calculate sales commissions, track ad campaigns, and handle variable tax rates. It has over a dozen new reports providing alternative ways of viewing sales, product and customer data. All reports can be moved directly into Microsoft Excel (or other spreadsheet programs). Defaults can be establish for invoice and shipments, eliminating repetitive typing chores.
Additional features have been added for international users. The Level 4 program has an option which will fomat postcodes according to United Kingdom standards. It meets the postal standards of Canada, U.S., U.K. and many other countries. It includes currency conversion features for international trade.
Convenient pop-up calendars are available throughout the program. The product database includes numerous additional features including six new pricing levels for products. Inventory and sales reports include new data on credit card, sales commission and invoiced fees. Nine user defined payment methods arenow available.
AnyBook is internationally known for its royalty accounting and report system - and Level 4 is where it all begins. The royalty accounting features are an entire software program in itself, fully integrated so it works seamlessly with AnyBook and AnyBook's data files. This portion of the program provides a wide range of options. Royalties can be based on cash or accrual accounting. They can be calculated on a percentage of the retail price, net sales, or a flat amount. Royalties can also be set up to change depending on the quantity of books sold and/or depending on the discount at which books are sold. Over 235 different royalty combinations are available for nearly any royalty arrangement.
A special and innovative royalty statement function is available to record and track advances, royalties owed, subsidiary rights, and payments. The neatly printed reports generated by the program provide you and your authors and photographers with all the important accounting details. When you are ready to mail printed royalty reports, they are designed so that they can be folded and inserted in a windowed business envelope.
In addition to common royalty calculations, it also have the ability to calculate royalties on a product's profit margin. You can remove fees associated with credit cards, sales commissions and storage fees from royalty calculations. A running tally wizard makes it much easier to prepare reports at odd intervals yet maintain an accurate count of the number of products sold.
New features have been added to import and export functions. You can copy a HTML table and drop it into an invoice. In Advanced Export, you can automatically start up Excel or Word with the data in place. Additionally, a third export mode was added making it possible to create dozens of different product, customer, and invoice reports. For more information, see: Import and Export.
The Level 4 program includes additional networking features including a network log showing all users on the system. It has a new Network Save feature to move data from a local computer's memory to the server disk. It has an entirely new network conflict resolution system, adding a third layer of data file protection. It also includes a Local Mode which allows you to go off-line and create reports, run inventories, and create billing statements quickly and efficiently without interrupting the work of others.
Topping off an already impressive list is a comprehensive purchase order system which is nearly as large as the core program. It includes multiple filter options, advanced search, batch printing, email export, currency conversion, multi-line descriptions, ability to process back orders and drop shipments, an inventory mode to track items received, and a feature to automatically update inventory. The purchase order system is sold separately for $219 but is included as part of the Version 4 package.
It's shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
The Level 5 program has an outstanding array of features. You have all of the features and benefits of Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process back orders.
It includes credit card processing, batch printing, ability to attach invoices and statements to email messages, telephony features including two separate phone dialers (a basic and advanced version), invoice to HTML conversion, extensive import and export functions, currency conversation, extra emailing functions, on-line shipment processing, a comprehensive purchase order system, and one of the industry's finest's royalty accounting systems.
The Level 5 program adds a plethora of barcode features. Can a small publisher take advantage of barcode capability? The answer is a resounding yes. And all it requires is a barcode reader. Barcode readers can be purchased for less than $100 and they easily plug into your computer's keyboard. That's all there is to it, and you're ready to scan in products and barcode documents. Look what you can do:
Books can be scanned for automatic entry on invoices
Invoices, royalty reports & statements can be barcoded
Invoices can be quickly located by scanning the barcode
Books can be located in the product database by scanning them
You can create your own barcodes for products and print barcode labels
Tracking numbers can be scanned into the program or used to locate an invoice
Shipping labels can be created with barcodes
The Level 5 program raises the bar even higher with new inventory functions. It has Real Time inventory processing. This new inventory feature provides you with instantly updated inventory figures. It has an advanced warning system built in which will notify you if a book's inventory has reached a critically low level, and it will notify you when the book's inventory has reached zero. It also has an inventory reconciliation feature which allows you to easily update inventory counts.
Another new feature is multi-package support which provides you with the capability to print packing slips for multi-package orders. It will also keep track of weights, shipping charges and tracking numbers for each package. When you are ready to ship packages, the final shipping & packaging feature helps automates shipping & packaging chores, and it will even run a final re-check of the package contents.
New enhancements have been made to back order processing. It has twice the number of printing options as Level 4, including integrated PDF printing. A new automatic HTML file naming function speeds up creating email attachments. A change case function is available for consistent formatting of addresses.
New features have been added so that you can import shopping cart data from your website. You can load in a day's worth of orders (or as many orders as desired), and, in within a second or two, AnyBook will automatically create invoices with books, quantities and prices ready to go.
Item discounts can be configured with seven decimal points of precision, providing perfect accuracy when a product's discount must be manipulated to derive a given price. This is helpful if you need to match the prices from website price tables or the totals on a distributor report. Purchase order enhancements include integrated PDF printing and automatic HTML file naming, and a new method of creating purchase orders from invoices.
The new features in royalty accounting include built-in export routines allow you to move royalty data directly into Excel or other spreadsheet programs. You can create royalty reports and statements as an HTML file and attach it to email for delivery to royalty holders.
There's more. AnyBook Level 5 includes full-featured proforma invoicing system. You can use proforma invoices for accounts which require pre-payment. You can use them for pre-season sales, or for customers that may be purchasing larger than normal quantities. Proforma invoices are also commonly used to quote prices and establish terms for international sales. The Proforma program is similar to the AnyPO system in that it is a complete program in itself with a great array of features.
Finally, the networked version of AnyBook Level 5 includes The Rover Module. The Rover Module has many of the same functions as the main AnyBook program, but it allows you great flexibility in how you run your business. It provides you with a safe way of taking AnyBook on the road or home without carrying all of your valuable business data with you. You can take Rover to shows, special events or when you make sales calls. Rover can be used by your sales personnel to record sales or pre-season orders. Any sales they have generated can be sent to you via email in one compact zip file. You can also use Rover to divide your business into separate divisions or maintain separate accounts. It can be configured to work solely in another currency for international transactions. Rover comes only with the networked version of the Level V program, but there is no limit to the number of Rover Modules that you can use.
It's shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
This remarkable program has all of the features and benefits of Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 plus more. Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process back orders.
It includes credit card processing, batch printing, ability to attach invoices and statements to email messages, telephony features including two separate phone dialers (a basic and advanced version), invoice to HTML conversion, extensive import and export functions, currency conversation, extra emailing functions, on-line shipment processing, a comprehensive purchase order system, barcode capability, and one of the industry's finest's royalty accounting systems.
In the Level 6 program, you'll find enhancements throughout: new, pleasing screen displays and scores of updated functions. The customer database has more fields including user defined fields. The product database includes the capability of having two-line product descriptions. You can pop-up a detail description of a product at any time. In the Customer Database, you can track the life-time value of your customers. You can also set credit limits for each of your customers.
One of the big features of Level 6 is a Customer Command Center which provides you with a completely new way of working with the program from a customer viewpoint.
AnyBook has always had a customer contact manager, but Level 6 includes a separate and comprehensive contact manager for prospective customers and others of importance to your business.
The program includes a built-in scheduler. You can schedule tasks days, weeks or months in advance. AnyBook will display reminder messages to send billings, contact certain customers, issue invoices, etc.
Another major addition to the Level 6 program is a Standing Order Module which is a hefty, new module for setting up and maintaining standing orders.
Invoice printing has more options. On printed invoices, you can include an "Attention" field, ID Numbers (such as SAN, Fed ID, VAT, GST, or your own ID number). You can also add a place for your customer to enter their credit card number and return the invoice.
Inventory has gotten easier with the Level 6 program. It has new and easier system of entering or removing inventory.
The Royalty area of the program includes log files and the ability to create a spreadsheet showing all invoices, customers and payment amounts upon which a royalty report is based. You can also generate a Royalty Cash Reserves Report providing you with the sum total of royalty payments due for all royalty holders for a given a period of time. (Also creates an itemized spreadsheet with this information.)
The Level 6 program include a series of security features. You can set up user passwords and access levels. Credit card encryption is now fully compliant with industry standards.
In Level 6, you can copy a PayPal email message (from sale or payment request) and drop it directly into program without re-typing. Three new alternative invoice numbering systems are available. The program has a new tax calculation system which works for the most difficult tax situations, including European VAT and Canadian GST/PST taxes. Up to 5 different taxes can be calculated on an invoice. Also, many new import and export features are available which extend the ability of the program to move data to and from shopping cart and ecommerce applications.
Finally, the networked version of AnyBook Level 6 includes an enhanced version of The Rover Module. The Rover Module has many of the same functions as the main AnyBook program, but it allows you great flexibility in how you run your business. It provides you with a safe way of taking AnyBook on the road or home without carrying all of your valuable business data with you. You can take Rover to shows, special events or when you make sales calls. Rover can be used by your sales personnel to record sales or pre-season orders. Any sales they have generated can be sent to you via email in one compact zip file. You can also use Rover to divide your business into separate divisions or maintain separate accounts. It can be configured to work solely in another currency for international transactions. There is no limit to the number of Rover Modules that you can use.
It's shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
This is our flagship program, the top-of-the-line of the AnyBook family. It is based on years of research and includes an extraordinary collection of features. You have all of the features and benefits of Levels 1 - 6. Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process back orders.
Level 7 has an amazing collection of features. One of those is an integrated email program which allows you to send invoices and shipping acknowledgements to your customers, royalty reports and statements to your authors, and many other uses. You can use it in auto mode to send a pre-composed default message - or you can use it in open mode which allows you to tailor the message. Click a button and it automatically create an attachment of invoice that when viewed by your customer looks just like the printed invoice. It does the same with billing statements and royalty reports. It's a huge time saver.
Here's one feature you're going to love. Level 7 includes a bulk email application which allows you to send emails to selected lists of customers or all of your customers. The bulk mailer is available in either the invoice database or the customer database.
AnyBook set international standards with its royalty reporting system, and Level 7 raises the bar even higher with new features and options. We have yet to come across a royalty situation that it can't handle.
Level 7 has new import features to provide for a greater range of imports from shopping carts- and it has the ability to download orders directly from shopping carts in one step.
It has increased database capabilities allowing it to work more efficiently with large data files.
The program includes AnyPO III our most comprehensive purchase order program. The cost of AnyPO III when sold separately is $439 but it is included as part of the Level 7 package.
Level 7 also includes our most advanced Rover Module with enhanced features. Rover looks and runs just like AnyBook but it's a completely separate program. One of the new features is that you can use Rover for storage of past invoices. You can still run reports. You can still create mailing lists (and now with Level 7, you can even do bulk emailing), and you can still access invoices from different workstations on the network.
What this accomplishes is that it gives you small and clean data files to work with on a daily basis when you run the main AnyBook program. This is particularly handy if you have large numbers of invoices and customers and are using the program on a networked system. You can keep your main AnyBook program working quickly and efficiently.
The new Rover Module also can be set-up for different mailing lists. Rover will remember the last mailing and add any new names (and addresses and/or emails), and presto, you're all set to send out the latest mailing.
Level 7 is shareware. There's no cost to try it out. For pricing information, see Costs.
Credit Card Processing in the Level 3 - 7 Programs
AnyBook now has two credit card processing choices: Touch Tone Processing and Gateway Processing. (There is one additional choice. You can also export credit data to third party credit card processing software as well.)
1. Touch Tone is an older system, but it is perfectly adequate for some business situations. Advantages: It's simple and is included, at no extra charge, in all Levels of AnyBook starting with Level 3. Disadvantages: it's a manual system, and, therefore, slow and fees charged by the credit card company are generally higher. More.
2. Gateway Credit Card Processing Module. Advantages: Uses an Internet Connection and has the fastest possible authorization times (less than 1 or 2 seconds). Low per card fees. Disadvantages: Because of development and licensing fees, we need to charge an extra $149 to add the feature to the program. However, it's not limited to one level. You can take advantage whether you have Level 4 - 7. More
Touch Tone Credit Card Processing
AnyBook Levels 3 and higher includes a touch tone credit card processing feature.
The touch tone processor can be used if you have a small volume of cards, two to five cards a day, and you have signed up for voice or touch tone processing with your bank.
AnyBook doesn't communicate with the processing center's computer. It only inputs the information as requested during a voice or touch-tone processing call.
Voice and touch-tone processing are two of several methods in which you can process credit cards. (You sign up for the type of card processing you want and a merchant's credit card account through a bank. You'll need to have a merchant's account set up with your bank in order to use AnyBook's card processing feature.)
Voice or touch-tone processing is the type of processing that you would choose if you have a low volume of cards and you want to keep things simple. When you use either system, you call the processing center, and then the processing center's computer will ask you to key-in your merchant number, the customer's card number, the expiration date and amount.
It isn't easy keying in all those numbers. AnyBook, however, gathers all appropriate information from the invoice. When you're ready, you click on a button and AnyBook calls the processing center for you. When the processing center comes on the line and asks for the merchant number, you click on the merchant number button and AnyBook keys in the number for you. When the processing center asks for the credit card number, you do the same thing, and AnyBook keys it in for you. And so on.
Then when everything is keyed in, the processing center's computer will come back with the authorization number which you write down or type into a dialog box provided by AnyBook.
Basically what AnyBook does is to take the place of a person trying to punch all the buttons on the phone. You simply get everything set up in advance, and when prompted by the processing center, you click with your mouse to enter the numbers. It takes away all the hassles of authorizing cards using voice or touch tone processing.
It's the system that we use with our small publishing company. We only process a couple of cards a day, and we couldn't justify investing in expensive card readers or complex software. We just wanted something simple and inexpensive, and since I'm a programmer, I developed the card processor to fill our needs and those of other folks who find themselves in the same situation.
This way of processing cards, of course, isn't for every business. Businesses with other systems in place will want to keep using those. Some businesses may find AnyBook's processing features handy as a supplemental system when there's only a card or two to verify. Other businesses with a low card volume may find that it's just what the doctor ordered.
Gateway Credit Card Processing Module
AnyBook also supports credit card processing through a Gateway. Gateways are commonly employed by websites and shopping carts for credit card transactions. But AnyBook has the special ability to process cards through a Gateway without going through a website.
In order to do that, we have licensed an innovative technology which by-passes the website intermediary and sends the card data directly over the Internet. It meets all encryption standards, and it's fast.
Approval times typically take less than one to two seconds, and everything is handled internally in AnyBook. You never have to leave the program.
In order to use this type of credit card processing system, you must have an account with a credit card Gateway. If you have a website and a shopping cart that takes credit cards, you likely already have the necessary account. AnyBook is able to handle most of the common Gateways, but some are easier to implement than others. MyVirtualMerchant is one that works well, but there are others. Further down on this page, you'll find a list of supported Gateways. If you don't currently have a gateway, and would like to use this form of credit card processing, talk to your bank and arrange to have an account set-up.
The Gateway Credit Card Processing module is not included in the price of the main AnyBook program. It is purchased as a separate Add-on. However, you don't have to download and install any extra software. If you have Levels 4 - 7, you'll find the module already built into the program (Look under the INVOICE TOOLS Menu). That gives you the opportunity to try it out and decide whether you'd like to use it on a regular basis.
To provide you with sufficient opportunity to test and evaluate it, the module allows you to authorize up to 10 cards. Only authorized cards are counted. Declined cards are not counted, nor are cards processed in the "Test" mode. As long as you are using the test mode, you can process as many cards as you desire.
If, after testing, you find that the module would be useful in your business, drop us a line and we'll provide you with a special Add-on registration code. Once registered, you'll be able to process as many cards as desired.
Here's a list of the Gateways currently supported:
3 Delta Systems (3DSI) EC-Linx
ACH Payments
Bank of America
Chase Merchant Services
Concord EFSNet
Cyber Source
eWay (Australia)
Fast Transact
FirstData / CardService International
goEmerchant XML
GoRealTime (Full-pass)
IBill Processing Plus
Innovative Gateway
Intellipay ExpertLink
iTransact RediCharge HTML
Merchant Anywhere
Merchant Partners
Moneris eSelect Plus Canada
Moneris eSelect Plus USA
NOVA/My Virtual Merchant
NOVA's Viaklix
Ogone DirectLink
Optimal Payments / FirePay
PayFuse XML
PayJunction Trinity Gateway
Payment Express PXPost
Payment Resources International PRIGate
Paymentech Orbital Gateway
Payments Gateway
Payready Link
PayStream (Australia)
Planet Payment
Plug 'n Pay
PSIGate XML Interface
Sage Payment Solutions Bankcard HTTPS
SecurePay (Script API/COM Object Interface)
Sterling SPOT API
Transaction Central
TransFirst eLink
USA ePay
uSight Gateway
Verisign PayFlow Pro
WorldPay Select Junior Invisible
Level 3 - 7: Importing and Exporting
The Level 3 - 7 programs include two highly sophisticated import and export functions. (More features are available with each higher level.) Even though both of these functions are incredibly versatile, at the same time, we've tried to maintain AnyBook's easy-to-understand user interface. Both functions provide a high degree of flexibility, allowing data exchange with databases, spreadsheets, accounting, email, and word processing programs.
Importing. For importing, you can select which fields from the import file you want to use and where the data should be placed on AnyBook's main Invoice Screen. The placement information is saved in a "profile." The profile automates the process and when you're ready to import again, you can call up the profile which does the work for you.
As an example, let's say you have contracted a third party to sell some of your books over the Internet. They will provide you with reports of their sales activity. If the reports are in a spreadsheet or database format, you can move the numbers and names of the books to AnyBook's Main Invoice Screen. That allows you to track your inventory and sales. Moreover, you'll have the necessary information for end of year reports. There are a number of helpful features built into this part of the program. For instance, if the third party uses different catalog numbers, you can utilize import tables to convert the catalog numbers so they match those in AnyBook.
Importing features also include the ability to import two related files. In other words, the program can import one file containing invoice data and another containing product information, and combine the two. It has an overlap import feature which allows you to import information to existing invoices.
Exporting. The same extensive system is available for exporting from AnyBook. You can decide which fields should be exported and in what order. You can add currency symbols to the numbers or leave them off. You can send your catalog numbers as is, or you use tables to convert them. You can even make up new fields and send constant data, like the name and address of your business. The Export feature is particularly useful if you use a fulfillment service. You can tailor the export file to their requirements and quickly and efficiently get information to them about which books you want shipped and to whom.
Like importing, the export routine uses "profiles." A profile allows you to save the steps you follow during an export procedure. Next time you're ready to do a similar export, you can use a profile to have it done automatically for you.
Clipboard. Sometimes it's convenient to export or import through the clipboard. For instance, you can export data from selected invoices to the clipboard and then paste them directly into a spreadsheet program. Or you may receive data on sales through email. If the data is in a comma or tab delimited format (very common ways of transfering database information via email), you can copy it directly from the email message and paste it into AnyBook using the clipboard option.
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The import/export function has a flat file utility which help read and export flat files for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). EDI is a method of transmitting text files electronically, usually through a value added network (VAN). If you end up doing business with any of the major retailers these days, EDI capability is very important.
Levels 5 to 7: Importing Shopping Cart Data
Level 5 - 7 programs have the ability to import shopping cart data. Most shopping cart software programs have the capability to create an export file of orders. The export file then can be dropped into AnyBook, and AnyBook will automatically create a series of invoices matching the order information. Each invoice created has everything in place and ready to go: customer's name, address, books ordered and their quantities and prices. There is no re-typing. It fast and easy.
We have kept close tabs on developments in web-based software, and in Level 7 you'll find a full array of import features to handle files created by shopping cart software. AnyBook can work with a two file system and with variations of the one file system.
Even if your shopping cart takes care of most of your invoicing and shipping chores, it's worthwhile to to move web data to AnyBook. What AnyBook does is to provide you with one central location for all of your business data. When it comes time to generate sales reports, do billings, prepare for taxes, and create royalty reports, you have everything in one secure location on your own computer and you have access to the full complement of features that come with AnyBook.
Levels 5 - 7 have a plethora of barcode features. Barcodes are not just for big businesses. Any small business can benefit from the use of barcodes. They help improve productivity and they make it possible to compete on a level playing field with your competitors.
Moreover, the tools that you need are simple. To take advantage of the barcode features in AnyBook, all you need is a barcode reader. That's correct. That's all you need. Barcode readers are inexpensive. Some can be purchased for significantly less than $100. They easily connect to any computer. No special boards or equipment are required. They just plug into your keyboard. The time they save you will easily pay back your investment in month's use.
Purchasing a Barcode Reader for AnyBook
AnyBook can be used with nearly all barcode readers. (The term "barcode scanner" means the same thing as "barcode reader.") The type that you'll want to use with AnyBook is called a "Keyboard Wedge." What that means is that the barcode reader acts just like a keyboard. Such barcode readers come with a cord that plugs into the same socket on the computer that your keyboard plugs into. The barcode plug has two wires leading from it. One wire leads to the scanner and the other cord has a socket for your keyboard.
AnyBook will also work fine with barcode scanners that plug directly into the USB port. The principle is the same. The scanner acts like a keyboard. When it reads a barcode, it sends the string of numbers from the barcode to the computer just as if you had typed it.
The other feature that we suggest you look for in a scanner is the ability to be programmed. In particular, you should be able to program a function key prefix into the scanner. A prefix means that the barcode reader will always start by sending one or more keys each time it scans a barcode. AnyBook looks for the F2 key. If a F2 key is detected, then AnyBook automatically knows that a barcode is coming its way.
Just to reiterate, look for a scanner that can be programmed with a prefix. And make sure that the prefix can be programmed with the function keys. (More about programming scanners is found below) Note that it's not absolutely necessary to be able to program the scanner. AnyBook will work fine without the F2 prefix, but, over the long run, you find that a programmable scanner will be far more efficient.
There are various types of barcode readers. One type is called a "wand" or "pen" barcode reader. These are the kind of readers that you see in libraries or video rental stores. The other kind is CCD scanner which looks roughly like a gun. There are also wireless scanners and laser readers for detecting barcodes at long distances. Any of these will work fine in AnyBook.
Pen scanners work well when you are working on a desk since they are small and unobtrusive. The gun-shaped CCD scanner can be placed in a stand which is very handy for shipping applications since it allows your hands to be free while you are packing. Moreover, the CCD scanner can pick up a barcode a bit quicker when trying to scan at odd angles. If you plan to use a barcode reader to do inventory, the wireless scanner is a good choice.
The networked version of AnyBook Levels 5 - 7 includes The Rover Module. The Rover Module has many of the same functions as the main AnyBook program, but it allows you great flexibility in how you run your business.
It provides you with a safe way of taking AnyBook on the road or home without carrying all of your valuable business data with you. You can take Rover to shows, special events or when you make sales calls.
Rover can be used by your sales personnel to record sales or pre-season orders. Any sales they have generated can be sent to you via email in one compact zip file.
You can also use Rover to divide your business into separate divisions or maintain separate accounts. It can be configured to work solely in another currency for international transactions. Rover comes only with the networked version of the Level 5 - 7 programs. There is no limit to the number of Rover Modules that you can use.
AnyBook Keywords: Small Publishers, Mid-size Publishers, Publishing Business Software, Publishing Software, Music Industry Software, Book Publishers, Book Publishing Software
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