This is the Readme File which accompanies RACEAID.
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Welcome to RACEAID
A Free Software Program for Timing & Scoring Athletic Events
Version 4.5
Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Ron Watters

This file includes helpful information about RACEAID

1. General Information
2. Installing the Program: DOS, Windows 3x, and Windows 95/98
3. System Requirements
4. Removing the Program
5. Program Help and Manual Availability
6. RACEAID is a Freeware Program
   (But Donations Are Gladly Accepted!)
7. Distributing the Program to Others
8. Quick Starting RACEAID
9. More information on Export Files
10. Disclaimer
11. License

RACEAID helps race officials compile and quickly print the
results of their events.  It is designed to support many different types of racing events including the following:

Fun Runs
Road Races
Cross-country Running Meets
Cycling Events (Including Stage Races)
Cross-country Ski Races
Interval Start Events
Mountain Bike Races
Endurance Runs
Special Team Events Where Times of Team Members Are Accumulated

The program works in all versions of Windows (3.0/3.1 and 95/98)
and DOS.  But be aware that RACEAID is DOS-based.  That means you
won't be able to use a mouse with it, but most folks don't find
the lack of mouse support much of problem.  When you use RACEAID,
you'll be using it primarily for data entry, and whenever you
need to do a lot of data entry, the keyboard is, by far, the
quickest and most efficient way to do it.

It has a simple approach. You begin by telling RACEAID what type
of race it is:  How long is the event?  Is it made up of teams?
Does the race have a normal or interval start?  Do you wish to
have split times calculated?  What categories are in your race,
i.e. men, women, juniors, etc.

RACEAID then creates a form (or a spreadsheet) which appears on
the computer screen.  It's just a matter of filling out the
blanks on the form (or columns in the spreadsheet).  You can fill
out names, bib numbers, etc. before the race begins, or do it
while the race is in progress.  When you start entering times, a
special feature allows you to enter the bib number and the time,
and the program takes care of matching the bib number with the
appropriate racer.

Among its functions, it will separate and place individuals into
respective categories, score teams and individual team members,
figure elapsed time in interval start events, calculate split and
pacing times.  The program will provide print-outs of the race
results, including over-all placing, team placing (if it's a team
event), category results, or event placings (if it's a multi-
event race).  It includes an export feature which allows you to
move the results into other programs.

RACEAID is a freeware program. It's available at no cost. You're
welcome to give the program to others or to make it available on
your web site. (Also see the section "Distributing the Program to

For more information, you are cordially invited to visit the
author's web site at (follow the
"Software" and "RACEAID" link).  Additional contact information
is included below.

RACEAID comes bundled in a ZIP file. To unzip it, use one of the
zip programs available on the Internet.  Before you unzip it,
however, create a new directory on your computer.  Use "RACEAID"
as the directory name unless you have another name you want to
use.  Now "unzip" the zip file to the RACEAID directory.  This
will place all of RACEAID's program files together in one
directory which is where you want them.

If you are using DOS as an operating system, first change to the
RACEAID directory, and at the prompt, type-in "RACEAID" and press
Enter on your keyboard.  The program will start.

If you are using Windows as an operating system, click on "Start"
and "Run."  Then click on the "Browse" button.  Locate the
RACEAID directory, and select the "Raceaid.exe" file and click
"Open".  Finally, select "OK" and the program will start.

a) 286, 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium II or III Personal Computers
b) A minimum of 1MB RAM
c) A hard disk with 1.5MB of available disk space

DOS (3.2 or later), Windows 3.0-3.1, and Windows 95/98

If no longer wish to use RACEAID, you'll need to delete the files.
A special program has been included (RaceDel.bat) which will do this
automatically for you--or, if desired, you can do it manually.  All
program and data files are kept in one directory which makes manual
removal of the program easy. Change to RACEAID's directory, delete
all the files, and then delete the directory.

Included with this package is the file, Manual.txt, which
describes how to use RACEAID for two sample races and is
designed to help you get started using the program.

Brief help messages can be accessed from most of the screen
displays in RACEAID. The information is not detailed, but it
should help jog your memory when you've forgotten something.

If you'd like more detailed directions and reference
information, a comprehensive 120-page manual is available.  I'm
afraid I can't give the manuals away free since I had to pay to
have them printed.  The cost is $35.00.  Drop me a line (see
information below) if you'd like a copy.  I hope to get the
manual on-line someday, but for the time being it's only
available in hard copy.

(But Donations are gladly accepted!)
RACEAID is a freeware program.  It's available to individuals,
schools, clubs and other organizations at no cost.  If you
voluntarily want to send a small donation for the software, I'd
be delighted, but it's otherwise completely free.

The only thing I ask is that you drop me line if you end up using
it.  It's just nice to know when someone has found it useful.

Since it is free, no support is provided.  I'm happy to answer a
question or two, but your best source of information is RACEAID's
120-page manual. It's complete and well-illustrated with a learning
section, an extensive reference chapter, and lots of helpful
hints to make your event go smoothly.  For more information--or
to obtain a manual:

(a) Log on my (Ron Watters) website:  (Follow the "Software" and
"RACEAID" link)

(b) Send me email at

(c) Call 1-208-232-6857

(d) Write to me at 1135 East Bonneville, Pocatello, ID 83201.

You may make as many copies of this software and documentation as
you wish; give exact copies of the software to anyone; and
distribute the software and documentation in its unmodified form
via electronic means.  There is no charge for any of the above.

You are, however, specifically prohibited from charging, or
requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from
distributing the software and/or documentation with other
products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written

For DOS users, an additional file has been included.  The file,
RA.BAT provides a short cut way of starting RACEAID.  First, at
the system prompt, change to the RACEAID directory:

   C>CD\RACEAID  (and press <ENTER>)

Then, just type in:

   C>RA   (and press <ENTER>)

RACEAID will start.

In Final Placing you have the option of creating two types of
export files for use in other software programs.  One type of
file (which RACEAID indicates by giving it a .TXT extension) is
made up of an ordered list of bib numbers and times.

The other type of file (which RACEAID indicates by giving it an
.ASC extension) is made up of places, bib numbers, names, times,
and other information.  To make this file easier to work with in
word processing or desk top publishing programs, the .ASC file
uses tabs to separate each place, bib number, name, and time.

Once the file has been opened in your word processing program,
you can change its format to your liking.  Usually this is done
by first selecting the entire document, changing the font and the
font size, and then setting tabs to your specifications.  Upon
setting the tabs, all the places, bib numbers, etc. will line up
in columns.  Note that the headings and the labels have not been
separated by tabs.  You can move them around or change them.

The use of tabs also makes it easier to import the .ASC file into
spreadsheet programs.  Almost all spreadsheet programs allow you
to import text files which are formatted like RACEAID's .ASC
files.  The file is often referred to as "Tab Delimited."  After
imported in a spreadsheet program, the competitors will be listed
in rows with place, bib number, name, time, etc. in columns.  You
can further manipulate the data, or re-format it and print it
from your spreadsheet program.

RACEAID is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied
warranties of software programs and fitness for a particular
purpose.  The entire risk as to the quality and performance of
the program is with you.  The author is happy to provide the
program at no cost, but if you use the program, please do so with
the understanding that you assume all risks of using it.

This license covers RACEAID.  Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 by Ron
Watters / Great Rift Company.  All rights reserved.

More Information is available from: Ron Watters, 1135 East
Bonneville, Pocatello, ID 83201; 208-232-6857.

You should carefully read the following terms and conditions
before using this software. Your use of this software indicates
your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty.

One copy of this software may either be used by a single person
who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or
installed on a single workstation which might be used by multiple
people, but not both.

This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and
without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any
other warranties whether expressed or implied.  Because of the
many and variable hardware and software environments under which
this software may operate, no warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose is offered.

Good computer procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly
tested with non-critical data before relying on it.  The user
must assume the entire risk of using the program.

You may make as many copies of this software and documentation as
you wish; give exact copies of the original version to anyone;
and distribute the software and documentation in its unmodified
form via electronic means.  There is no charge for any of the

You are, however, specifically prohibited from charging, or
requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from
distributing the software and/or documentation with other
products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written

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